HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange


HUDEX introduces new discounts for OTC trades

HUDEX is constantly working on further increasing market liquidity on both its power and natural gas futures markets and providing better services for its partners. Since the majority of Hungarian power futures deals is traded in the form of over-the-counter (OTC) transactions, HUDEX decided to introduce new discount offers from June 1, 2020 for both brokers and traders trading on its market.

HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd.’s operation ensured in the current pandemic situation

HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd. as a member of HUPX Group, ensures smooth operation during the pandemic situation.

Griffin Markets Limited registered for HUDEX OTC clearing as an OTC broker

HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Exhange welcomes Griffin Markets Limited as an OTC broker registered for HUDEX OTC clearing.

HUPX Group Partner Party

On 20 September 2019 in line with its traditions HUPX Group held its annual partner party.