Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid from 01.01.2024
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid from 01.01.2024 with track changes
Fixed Fees | |
Entrance fee | 0 € |
Membership fee | 750 € /Quarter |
System fees (Trayport Global VisionSM)* | 2 250 € / Quarter |
Additional “trader” user for HUDEX markets only | 1 050 € / Quarter |
Additional “read-only” user for HUDEX markets only | 1 050 € / Quarter |
Fee for permanent** extension of a CEEGEX user to the HUDEX Market Segments as “trader”*** | 0 € |
Fee for permanent** extension of a CEEGEX user to the HUDEX Market Segments as “read only” | 0 € |
OTC-only user | 0 € |
Transaction fees | |
Initiator**** side HUDEX power products | 0 € / MWh |
Aggressor***** side HUDEX power products | 0.025 € /MWh |
Transaction fees of HUDEX natural gas products to virtual point except Balance of Month products | 0.003 € /MWh |
Transaction fees of HUDEX natural gas Balance of Month product to virtual point | 0.01 € /MWh |
OTC clearing registration | 0.01 € /MWh |
Delivery fee for power products (to be paid for HUPX) | 0.05 € /MWh |
* The standard access to Trayport Trading System encompasses one (1) user.
** The permanent extension lasts until the user is valid on CEEGEX market.
*** The extension of a user as “trader” can only be requested to the Market Segments of HUDEX, where the company is HUDEX Member and for the person who was registered as Trader on the relevant Market Segment according to HUDEX Rules and Regulations.
**** Initiator: the market participant in the transaction, who is the one placing the order in the market first and gives a visible offer on the trading platform
***** Aggressor: market participant, who submits an order, which matches with another order (initiator) that is already visible to the market place.
- Previous versions of Fees and Discounts
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid 01.12.2021 - 31.12.2023
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid 01.12.2021 - 31.12.2023 with track changes
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid 01.04.2021 - 30.11.2022
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid 01.04.2021 - 30.11.2022 with track changes
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid 18.03.2021 - 31.03.2021
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid 18.03.2021 - 31.03.2021 with track changes
Fees and discounts of HUDEX 01.06.2020-18.03.2021
Fees and discounts of HUDEX 01.06.2020-18.03.2021 with track changes
Fees and discounts of HUDEX_2018.01.03.
Fees and discounts of HUDEX_2018.04.03.
Fees and discounts of HUDEX_2018.10.13
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid 13.10.2018 - 01.10.2019
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid 01.10.2019 - 01.06.2020
Fees and discounts of HUDEX valid 01.10.2019 - 01.06.2020 with track changes