HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange

Membership Admission

The applicant can only begin to trade on the HUDEX markets and register trades once it has been successfully admitted to the exchange.

Please note that physical delivery of gas is set as a default, but physical delivery of power is optional. Applicants can apply for both natural gas and power segment at the same time, or for one of them, separately.

1. Preconditions of the membership:

  • HUDEX Trader exam (or HUPX PhF Trader Exam and CEEGEX Spot and PhF Trader Exam )
  • ECC and KELER CCP clearing membership
  • Trading system test (must be performed during the admission process by the trader)

    Further preconditions for those who are not members either at HUPX or at CEEGEX:
  • Network Usage Agreement with FGSZ Ltd. (natural gas segment)
  • trading license for natural gas  (natural gas segment)
  • trading license for electricity or investment firm license or pass the extended "Know Your Customer" questionnaire (power segment)

    Further preconditions for those who are not members at HUPX and request physical delivery of power:
  • HUPX DAM membership

    For more information regarding clearing bank selection and admission to ECC please visit ECC's website.
    For more information admission to KELER CCP please visit KELER CCP’s website: HUDEX/ natural gas Segment ; HUDEX/ Power Segment

2. Admission forms:

After fulfilling the preconditions the applicant shall send the completed admission forms and supporting documents to HUDEX via post. Additionally, scanned copies of these documents must be sent via email to the following addresses:

For natural gas segment-related documents, please send to,

for power segment-related documents, please send to

  • duly signed identification form in original (H01)
  • duly signed Membership Agreement in 2 originals (H02)
  • duly signed trader registration form (H03) as well as trader’s copy of ID
  • duly signed „Know Your Customer” form in original (H04)

3. Supporting documents:

  • certified Company Registration Extract (issued within 30 calendar days) in original
  • duly signed REMIT reporting agreement in 2 originals or statement that the applicant does not intend to conclude the Data Reporting Agreement with HUDEX Energy Exchange Ltd.

    Further preconditions for those who are not members either at HUPX or at CEEGEX:
  • copy of Network Usage Agreement with FGSZ Ltd. (natural gas segment)
  • copy of trading license for natural gas issued by MEKH (Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority) (natural gas segment)
  • copy of VAT certification (natural gas or power segment)

    Further preconditions for those who are not members at HUPX and request physical delivery for power:
    completed HUPX DAM membership package:


 HUDEX admission documents