HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange

Trader exam

Traders must be professionally qualified to trade on HUDEX. Evidence of the required specialized knowledge is demonstrated by passing an exam (HUDEX Traders exam), leading to the qualification as a HUDEX Trader.

To apply for the exam, please send us the filled in and signed application form for or

Online exam

 From October 13, 2018 online trader training and exam services are available. The E-learning system provides remote access to training materials and gives the opportunity to take the exams online. For further information please find the documents below:

 Online trader training and exam conditions

 Online trader training and exam application form

HUDEX Trader’s exam fees

Online materials and trader’s exam


Regular price

600 €

5 - 10 trainees

550 €

11 - 20 trainees

500 €

Above 20 trainees

450 €

In case of any question, feel free to contact us at