HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange

HUPX Group Workshop: Developments on the Hungarian Power and Gas Markets


On the 20th of September HUPX Group successfully organised its annual workshop to showcase its achievements and inform its partners about the latest market trends and opportunities on the Hungarian power and gas markets.

The more than 60 industry representatives who participated at the event had the chance to get an insight both into the ongoing XBID go-live preparations and the DAM Market Coupling projects. In addition, new products and developments on HUDEX were presented to them and the event addressed their questions regarding CEEGEX’s current position and future prospects in the region. Participants could also have their share in shaping the company group’s future development plans by voting on their preferred direction in a poll. Furthermore, the Workshop welcomed guest speakers as well; Mr. Tamás Horváth, Chief Operating Officer at Keler KSZF held his presentation on the Hungarian gas market’s clearing developments and Mr. Maximilian Kiessler, Application Specialist of Inercomp spoke about algorithmic intraday power trading.

For more details please find all presentations below.

At HUPX Group we sincerely hope that you found our seminar informative and worthwhile and we are looking forward to welcome you at our future events.


Agenda and presentation:


XBID go-live preparation / Single Intraday Coupling - Gabriella Juhász, Market Development Expert, HUPX

Insight into the DAM Market Coupling projects - Kata Fehér, Market Development Expert, HUPX

New products and developments on HUDEX - György Istvánffy, Head of Market Development and Market Surveillance, HUPX

CEEGEX - Present and Future in the region - Róbert Szőke, Market Operations and Development Manager, CEEGEX

Hungarian gas market clearing developments - Tamás Horváth, COO, KELER CCP

Use cases for algorithmic intraday trading - Maximilian Kiessler, Application Specialist, Inercomp


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