HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange

HUDEX 2020 trading results


HUDEX 2020 trading results.

The total traded volume of HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange’s Power Market in 2020 achieved a +68% increase to 2 990 GWh compared to the 1 778 GWh achieved in 2019, while 1 912 GWh of OTC deals were registered via the HUDEX OTC Clearing facility in 2020. The highest turnover month was September with 626 470 MWh traded volume. The number of admitted members was 23 by the end of the year.

For the 2020 Annual Report visit: LINK

The total traded volume of HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange’s Natural Gas Market in 2020 achieved a 45% increased to 700 GWh compared to the 483 GWh realized in 2019. The highest turnover month was October with 302 GWh traded volume. The number of admitted members was 20 by the end of the year.

Follow us to see how our derivative exchange’s natural gas segment will further develop in 2021.

The annual data of the HUDEX natural gas segment can be found in the CEEGEX report.


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