HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange

New developments on HUDEX markets


Budapest, 14/03/2018:

From 10th of April automated clearing registration service (STP, Straight Through Processing), wider product range and extended opening hours will be available on HUDEX markets.

As HUDEX is continuously looking at ways to increase the liquidity and to reach out for new members it is inevitable to constantly develop the market and adjust it to the requirements of the participants.

The newest development, the STP (Straight Trough Processing) service will be available on HUDEX Power market for brokers and traders. The STP service facilitates the automatic registration of OTC transactions at the Exchange. For brokers, this service will allow to offer cleared OTC transactions, providing fully automatic flow once transactions are executed. For HUDEX members, the new service provides an automated platform for clearing their OTC transactions, reducing counterparty risk, administration and costs. The implementation will happen on the 10th of April.


Along with the introduction of the STP service, the HUDEX Power product range is being expanded. Instead of the current 4 weekly, 3 monthly, 4 quarterly and 3 yearly products; 4 weeks, 6 months, 7 quarters and 6 years will be tradable for power.

In addition, HUDEX will also extend the opening hours in order to better facilitate trading. Instead of the current opening hours, from 8:00 to 17:00, starting from 10th of April the trading on both the power and gas markets will be open from 8:00 to 18:00.