HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange

HUDEX migrates its current IT infrastructure to a new service provider


Dear Partners, HUDEX is dedicated to provide a high quality, safe and reliable services for its members. We hereby inform our partners that in order to raise the standard of our services, HUDEX will migrate its current IT infrastructure to a new service provider. 

The expected go-live date of the production migration is between the 21st and 22nd of November, 2020. We do not expect a pre-planned outage in term s of trading on the HUDEX Power and Natural Gas segments, however, our sFTP and website services will not be available on the mentioned weekend.

This change might affect the below mentioned systems, as our IP addresses will be replaced, the details of which have been notified to our members and partners by e-mail, but the functionality and connectivity parameters of our services will remain the same.

Otherwise, trading conditions remain unchanged. HUDEX handles cases arising in accordance with the provisions of the Market Rules.

Affected systems are:

  • HUDEX Trading System - Trayport GlobalVision
  • HUDEX physical delivery tool – HUDEX webform

The change of service provider does not require any further action from the members in addition to the change of IP address, however, we will provide the opportunity to perform connectivity tests on the new infrastructure on 11 November and 16 November 2020, respectively.

On the new infrastructure, our services will run in test mode in parallel with the current live operating environment until our systems are migrated.

We will inform our members and partners about the final date of the migration go-live in time.

Our members and partners will also receive information about the details of the IT infrastructure change by e-mail, in which they will find our contact details in case of any questions or technical problems. 

Thank you for your understanding and contribution in advance.

Kind Regards,



Dear visitor!

Please note that we will be carrying out maintenance between 19:00 and 23:00 on 13 March 2025 , so the website may be unavailable.

Thank you for your understanding!