HUDEX Hungarian Derivative Energy Exchange

Review of 2021 in a short videos


Market commentaries from our experts

2022 has already brought a new communication channel in our life with our newsletter, but it was not the only new tool this year. (You can subscribe to our newsletter here: newsletter subscribtion.)

Our experts made short market commentary videos as a review of 2021. As usual,  you can reach our classical reports here, but from now you will have the chance to get some additional, valuable explanation behind the numbers, directly from our colleagues. So please enjoy our new videos about 2021 electricity and gas markets of HUPX, CEEGEX and HUDEX and stay tuned, since we intend to present more useful watchings in the future.

POWER market commentary


GAS market commentary


You can access our 2021 report here. In order not to miss any new market commentaries, please subscribe to the HUPX Group youtube channel here!


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